In Planning

Solar PV

Deer's Leap Solar Farm

Homes Powered
Solar Capacity
Carbon Saved
Hectares of Land

About the project

Innova plan to develop, construct, and operate a new solar array located on land at Grange Farm and Church Hill Farm on the east and west side of the B4455. The site will have the ability to generate up 20MW of solar energy, which is enough to power 4,662 homes in the Stratford-upon-Avon District. The project will also prevent 4,339 tonnes of carbon dioxide being emitted each year throughout its 40-year lifespan. 

The site has been carefully selected and designed through a detailed assessment process, considering grid availability, heritage, landscape & amenity, ecology & environmental designations, access, and agricultural land quality.  We have engaged a team of expert consultants to provide advice on the project. 

The site has been submitted to Stratford-on-Avon District council with the following reference number: 24/02072/FUL, and is awaiting determination. 

Why do we want to develop here?

There is widespread awareness of the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and an encouragement to increase the generation and use of renewable energy. The UK Government has a legal obligation in relation to generating renewable energy and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. The UK Energy Minister wants to increase solar generation from 14GW to 50GW and onshore wind from 15GW to 30GW, all by 2030.

In July 2019, Stratford-on-Avon District Council declared a ‘Climate Emergency,’ with councillors pledging to take local action to contribute to national carbon neutral targets through the development of practices and policies, with an aim to being carbon neutral in the district by 2030. 

The proposed solar farm will make an important contribution to the supply of renewable energy. The proposed installed capacity of the panels will be 20 MW. To provide some context, that will be enough electricity to power 4,662 homes within the district annually and save 4,339 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year for its 40-year lifespan. 


Current planning process status



Community Consultation

Innova hosted the following two drop-in event for residents on Wednesday 21st February 2024: The Room at the Church of the Holy Cross, Main Street, Moreton Morrell, Warwick CV35 9AL between 12pm and 3pm, OR Lighthorne Village Hall, Wellesbourne Rd, Lighthorne, Warwick CV35 0AY, between 5pm and 8pm.



Revise Proposals

Pre-application advice has been sought from Stratford-on-Avon District Council in November 2023 and fed into our final design.



Application Submitted

The site has been submitted to Stratford-on-Avon District council with the following reference number: 24/02072/FUL, and is awaiting determination. 



Decision on application

Information regarding the decision on our application will be shared here in due course.



Construction commencement

Information regarding construction commencement will be shared here in due course.


The Location

The site is located approximately 1km to the west of Lighthorne and 1.5km northeast of Moreton Morrell. The solar site will be situated in fields both East and West and of the B4455 

Site Design

Pre-application advice has been sought from Stratford-on-Avon District Council in November 2023 and fed into our final design.

The project has followed an iterative design process, and is being informed by an analysis of the site character and environmental and physical constraints and opportunities, drawing on desk and field work by a team of experts. 

A bespoke biodiversity strategy will be prepared that ensures new and existing habitats are enhanced or created to benefit local wildlife. As part of this initiative, our landscape planting, seeding, and habitat creation plans will focus on native species. These initiatives will contribute to securing long-term biodiversity net gain across the site. Our Design incorporates specific areas purely dedicated to ecological enhancement.

Site Access

The majority of vehicular movements associated with the development will occur during the construction phase, which is expected to take a maximum of six months.

Construction vehicles will be required to follow routes and safety procedures set out within our Construction Transport Management Plan as part of the planning application. Access points for the site will be both to the east and west side of the B4455.  

Once the solar farm has been completed and is operational, there will be only 1-2 visits a month for routine maintenance. 

Specialist Environmental Surveys

A range of specialist consultants have undertaken surveys to be submitted with the planning application, to aid in the design process and to ensure the site is appropriate for development. The following surveys have been undertaken or will be undertaken as part of the planning process. 

  • Flood Risk Assessment 
  • Agriculture Land Classification 
  • Construction Traffic Management Plan 
  • Landscape and Visual Assessment 
  • Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment 
  • Geophysical Survey 
  • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal 
  • Ecological Impact Assessment 
  • Arboriculture Assessment 
  • Noise Assessment 
  • Trial Trenching for Archaeology 


We will be hosting two drop-in events on Wednesday 21st February 2024 (details available in the Timeline above). If you are unable to attend, please follow the link below to share your feedback.

leave your feedback