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Power Purchase Agreements

Power Purchase Agreements

Accelerate towards your Net Zero targets and stabilise your energy costs with a Private Wire or Corporate PPA.

In an age of rising energy costs and imminent Net Zero targets, today’s intensive energy use businesses are facing greater pressures than ever before.

By making the switch to lower-cost, zero-carbon electricity with a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), your business will not only harness the zero-carbon power you need to achieve your own Net Zero targets, but also stabilise your energy costs and bolster your brand reputation.

What is a Power Purchase Agreement?

A Power Purchase Agreement (or PPA) is a long-term contractual agreement between you (the business) and a renewable energy supplier (for example, Innova). The energy purchased is generated by a renewable energy development, such as a solar or wind farm. These contracts can last 10 years or more. 

At Innova, we offer two types of PPA:

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Private Wire PPA

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Corporate PPA

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At Innova, we’re passionate about providing you with clean, zero-carbon power and supporting you to reduce your energy costs.

By working together, you’ll be able to purchase power directly from the brand-new renewable projects that our team develops. Where the project is located close to your site, we will work with you to determine which type of PPA is the most appropriate.

Let's talk PPAs