A range of specialist consultants have been undertaking surveys to inform the scheme design process, for example:
Landscape & Visual: The site currently benefits from existing landscape screening, within an extensive network of bounding hedges and woodland. We are planning to enhance and reinforce that screening.
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment is currently underway. Our application includes photomontages showing how the proposals would look within the landscape, taken from key viewpoints recommended by our consultant.
Cultural Heritage and Archaeology: Our specialists have carried out cultural heritage assessments, which indicated that no buried archaeological remains are known to be present, and it has been assessed that the likelihood of any being present in this area will be very low.
There are no designated heritage assets that would be physically impacted by the development, nor would there be harm to any designated heritage assets as a result of any change in their setting.
Ecology: A bespoke biodiversity strategy is being prepared that ensures existing and new habitats are enhanced or created to benefit local wildlife. Ecology studies have been undertaken to identify the impact of current proposals and we will use this information to design and develop our long-term management plan for the site.
Hydrology: A flood risk assessment is underway to ensure the proposed development is not at risk from surface water or river flooding and to employ mitigations if found to be necessary. The site is outside any area identified as being at risk of flooding.
Noise: Specialist noise consultants are working with us to assess the potential noise that would be generated by the project both during the construction phase and once operational. Our projects often incorporate mitigation measures to manage noise outputs where needed. That might include, for example, acoustic louvres and walls around some electrical equipment. Features like acoustic walls can also create an opportunity to help integrate projects into their host environments through the use of different external colour treatments. We will include our noise assessment work in the coming weeks.
Other surveys that were undertaken are:
- Agricultural Land Quality
- Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)