The aim of our energy developments is to not only contribute to the UK energy crisis solution, but to also benefit local communities, protect people, heritage, and the environment, and enrich the biological diversity of the area. We undertake a wide range of surveys to ensure we are putting forward a suitable design that mitigates potential impacts and enhances the benefits of the site. Some of these surveys include:
Ecology: A bespoke biodiversity strategy was prepared to ensure that existing and new habitats are enhanced or created to benefit local wildlife. Ecology studies have been undertaken to identify any site-specific sensitivities, and we have used this information to design and develop our long-term management plan for the site.
Cultural Heritage and Archaeology: We have undertaken cultural heritage and Geophysical assessments. This has confirmed the probability of encountering archaeological remains is considered to be low. Any further works required will be reviewed with the county archaeologist during the determination of the planning application.
Landscape: The site has been selected as it is set close to established energy infrastructure, removed from sensitive receptors, and benefits from established screening, which limits any landscape impact. We will be planting additional hedgerows and woodland to reduce the visibility of the site.
Noise: A detailed noise impact assessment is currently being prepared which will include suitable mitigation.
Arboricultural Assessment: We have conducted an arboriculture assessment to ensure that we are avoiding root protection zones on site wherever possible. The only area where hedgerows may be removed will be to create a new access point, and to make sure that hedgerows are not reducing visibility from this access point.
Agricultural Land Classification (ALC): An extensive ALC survey has been undertaken which has confirmed the land to be Grade 3b. This is not classed as “best and most versatile” agricultural land.
Other surveys currently being conducted include:
- Construction traffic management plan
- Landscape and Visual Assessment