Specialist consultants have undertaken a range of surveys that have informed the design and will be submitted with the planning application:
Landscape and Visual: The site extends across two fields, which benefit from existing landscape screening within an extensive network of bounding hedges and woodland. We are planning to enhance and reinforce this existing screening. A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment is currently underway, and will inform the detailed landscaping plan.
Agricultural Land Quality: We have undertaken a site-specific agricultural land classification survey, which confirms that the land is classified as Grade 3b. Therefore, the site is not classed as ‘best and most versatile’ agricultural land (Grade 1 to 3a).
Cultural Heritage and Archaeology: We have undertaken a Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment of the local designated and non-designated heritage assets and considered the potential for non-designated archaeology. Following this assessment, a geophysical survey was completed across the site to confirm any potential archaeological remains. The outcome of this survey has informed the site layout.
Ecology: An Ecological Impact Assessment is currently being prepared to ensure existing and new habitats are enhanced or created to the benefit of local wildlife. Ecology studies have been undertaken to identify the effect of the proposals and we will use this information to inform the site layout and develop our long-term management plan for the site.
Hydrology: The site is located within Flood Zone 1, the area recognised by the Environment Agency as having the lowest probability of flooding. Regardless, a flood risk assessment will form part of the planning application.
Glint and Glare: We have undertaken a Glint and Glare Assessment, which assessed road safety, residential amenity, and aviation activities associated with RAF Fairford, Calcot Peak Airfield, and South Cerney Airfield. The assessment found:
- no significant impacts are predicted upon road safety, residential amenity and upon aviation activity associated with Calcot Peak Airfield and South Cerney Airfield
- no impacts predicted upon aviation activity associated with RAF Fairford